
The Computer-Aided Product Realization multidisciplinary design course, SE402, has been offered since 2008. The course curriculum includes reverse engineering, upfront analysis, visualization, and collaborative design. The first half of the semester is devoted to familiarizing students with various digital prototyping tools, hardware or software, then the rest of the semester is spent on applying these techniques to solve real-life engineering design problems in a team composed of students from different disciplines.  Effective collaboration across these discipline areas is essential for the development of the better products, services and experiences on which our future will depend. These courses are part of a broader transformation of engineering education at the University of Illinois through radical curriculum change aimed at better addressing the needs of engineering education going forward.

Throughout the course students will:

  1. Expand upon existing CAD skills using parametric and direct solid modeling.
  2. Use T-Splines to develop sculpted, watertight geometry.
  3. Understand the various capabilities and weaknesses of parametric solid, direct solid, NURBS, and T-Splines modeling.
  4. Gain hands-on experience using 3D printing and 3D scanning.
  5. Gain experience using digital prototyping tools used for visualization and simulation.
  6. Promote multidisciplinary collaboration between engineering and industrial design.
  7. Use cloud-based 3D CAD for collaboration.

The course requires students to undertake a design project which is worth a large part of their grade. Students complete the project typically in a team of 3-5 students.  Check out the past project below!

Past Projects

Fall 2024

Fall 2023

Fall 2022

Fall 2017

Fall 2016

Fall 2015